Generative AI Could Kill These Freelance Stocks

Generative AI Could Kill These Freelance Stocks

In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), tech titans like Nvidia (NVDA), Microsoft (MSFT), and Alphabet (GOOGL) often steal the limelight.

These trillion-dollar behemoths blazed the trail for AI, after all – with Google Bard, Microsoft Copilot, NVIDIA AI, and more innovations serving as the very foundation of this $100 billion market.

And they’ve delivered hefty profits as a result. MegaTrends members have logged 226% gains from NVDA and 34% returns from each MSFT and GOOGL since last year.

But here at LikeFolio, we’re digging deeper – looking beyond the obvious AI plays to identify the unexpected winners (like this tiny $2 “moonshot”) and losers.

Generative AI is one of those revolutionary technologies with the power to create both.

With text prompts, virtually anyone can use it to create entire gaming worlds from scratch with zero coding experience, craft beautiful designs in a matter of moments, or write impressive college admission essays.

Companies that don’t adapt to this new reality risk getting left behind as AI gets better and better.

Which is why we’re issuing a “warning” on these two stocks today…

Avoid These Unexpected AI Losers

Freelance platforms like Upwork (UPWK) and Fiverr (FVRR) have been the go-to for companies seeking quick, affordable freelance services – from writers to researchers to artists (and more).

But with generative AI, especially the likes of ChatGPT venturing into image generation, the demand for certain freelance services might diminish.

Why wait for a new design when AI can generate one instantly?

Check this out – I generated these Earnings Season Pass graphics with GPT’s beta extension in less than a minute.

And why pay when it’s virtually free?

More and more folks may be asking themselves that very same question.

Our data paints a telling picture: Fiverr’s web traffic has dipped by 5% year-over-year, while Upwork has seen a 12% increase over the same period.

Upwork tends to focus on long-term contracts, which could offer a temporary cushion for the company. But as AI continues to evolve, even this buffer might erode.

While it might help lift many companies who can effectively leverage the technology, it also spells potential trouble for platforms like Fiverr and Upwork, whose demand is generated by users who need a quick (and often easy) fix.

We’ll be watching these potential AI “losers” closely.

But I won’t leave you hanging this weekend: I’ve got a $2 AI gem for you right here.

Unlike Upwork of Fiverr, this unexpected AI winner is gaining serious traction on Main Street.

And Wall Street hasn’t caught on yet.

Until next time,

Andy Swan
Founder, LikeFolio

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