Striking Gold in the M-Commerce Rush

Striking Gold in the M-Commerce Rush

Most of us spend between three and four hours staring at our smartphones every single day – and nearly seven hours if you count all the screens we use.

In fact, about 58% of you will read this very story from your mobile device, according to the latest 2023 statistics.

We check our devices as soon as we wake up to see what we missed. And by the time we go to bed, we’ll have picked up our phones an average of 57 more times.

Our reliance on mobile devices borders on addiction; heck, for some, it’s diagnosable.

But there’s an opportunity in all this screen time – called mobile commerce, or “m-commerce” for short.

Because the whole time we’re scrolling through our phones checking emails, perusing Instagram, or catching up with friends on Facebook, we’re consuming content…

Content advertisers can (and do) leverage to catch our eye and woo us with their products.

And it works – scary well.

For example, 85% of weekly U.S. Pinterest (PINS) users have made a purchase from a pin they saw from a brand.

And LikeFolio trend data shows consumer social media purchases gaining steam.

Consumer mentions of making a purchase directly from Pinterest are up by 32% year-over-year; for Instagram purchases, mentions are up an astonishing 747% year-over-year.

What’s more is that every time you interact with one of these platforms, your mobile device learns your preferences – allowing advertisers to get better and better at feeding you relevant content.

It’s like a win-win scenario:

  • Brands get a captive audience for their ads – and constant feedback on how you’re interacting with them.
  • And consumers get a shopping experience that’s as convenient and personalized as a bespoke suit.

M-commerce isn’t just a trend. It’s the new normal – where companies like (AMZN) are thriving.

Amazon’s mobile app is like a personal shopper that never sleeps, offering one-click purchasing, personalized recommendations, and a delivery network that would make Santa Claus green with envy.

But everyone already knows Amazon, so how about I show you three lesser-known players striking gold in the m-commerce rush…

No. 1: Shopify (SHOP)

Shopify (SHOP) is the unsung hero of the m-commerce world. It’s like the backstage crew of a Broadway show: you might not see them, but they’re the ones making everything run smoothly.

Its platform helps businesses of all sizes set up shop right on consumers’ smartphones. It boasts 2.1 million daily active users. And in 2022 alone, nearly 649 million folks used its platform to make a purchase.

Folks who use Shopify are generally happy with their experience: the company’s Consumer Happiness levels are currently around 82%, gaining two points over the last quarter.

And its stock price has nearly doubled since the start of the year.

No. 2: The Trade Desk (TTD)

The Trade Desk (TTD) is like the wizard behind the curtain for advertisers in the m-commerce realm.

The company offers a platform where advertisers can manage their digital campaigns across various formats – mobile included.

At the core of TTD’s platform, you’ll find a powerful AI engine that analyzes massive data sets across the internet to uncover trends, patterns, and insights. It helps advertisers buy the right ad impressions at the right price and time.

Social media’s been buzzing about The Trade Desk’s AI capabilities, with mentions up as much as 89% quarter-over-quarter.

I’m a big fan of this stock: As more dollars flow into m-commerce, The Trade Desk stands to benefit big time.

No. 3: Alibaba (BABA)

You’ve heard us talk about SHOP and TTD in Derby City Daily – but one we haven’t yet covered here is the Chinese tech giant Alibaba (BABA).

Alibaba is to e-commerce what Godzilla is to Tokyo: a colossal presence that can’t be ignored…

Especially in China, where Alibaba’s suite of mobile apps, including Taobao and Tmall, has become the go-to destination for mobile shoppers. It’s like having a bustling marketplace right at your fingertips.

According to data from Statista, Alibaba saw as many as 903 million active online shoppers in the first quarter of 2022.

This is definitely one to watch.

Until next time,

Andy Swan
Founder, LikeFolio

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